Bushra Bibi expressed her views…

Informal conversation with the Journalists in Adiyala Jail…

her views:

Allah succeeded us in the case of Iddah. After the verdict, I was not taken out of the jail. After the verdict, it was known that I would be arrested again. The jail staff requested that I go out of the jail gate. The problem is, I replied to the staff that if the media people and lawyers do not come, I will not go out.

Last year, when Imran Khan was arrested from Zaman Park, he was sleeping. The police put a cloth over Imran Khan’s mouth and dragged him along. His sleep was also broken, Bushra Bibi recounted.

Eight days after the arrest of Imran Khan, I met him in Attock Jail. He was also given dirty conditions; there were insects in the cell where Imran Khan was kept. Imran Khan used to remove insects from his hair all night. The enemy would be happy to hear these things, but may Allah curse these enemies, said Bushra Bibi during her informal conversation with the media.

One, two, and three of the country (top position holders of the country) should be ashamed that they have kept a sincere and independent person from the country in jail. Thieves, robbers, and dacoits were given VIP treatment and handed the government, stated Bushra Bibi.

Barrister Ali Zafar was taken to jail with full protocol. After the arrest of Imran Khan, I called Barrister Ali Zafar two or three times, but he did not listen. I told my people that Ali Zafar gets so much protocol that Imran Khan couldn’t get even one mattress in jail, mentioned Bushra Bibi.

I am not a coward. My arrest was called a deal. I am bringing these things on record because I don’t know if I will survive or not. Imran Khan’s life is in danger, he has been poisoned before and also shot at. Our application regarding Imran Khan being poisoned is in court, and the decision is not being given. I have not written the name of any person in the application; what are they afraid of? Let’s go, said Bushra Bibi.

A journalist asked, “When there was talk of poisoning Imran Khan, His personal physician said after the medical examination that no signs of poisoning were found.” Bushra Bibi did not answer the question. The journalist then asked, “You made big accusations about mixing toilet cleaner with food but did not provide any evidence. Even after your medical examination, there were no results.” Bushra Bibi replied, “I can swear on mixing toilet cleaner with food. Where do I get proof?”

A person told me that toilet cleaner had been mixed in the food. The journalist asked, “Can you tell me the name of this person, who is he?” Bushra Bibi replied, “No, I will not tell his name.” At the same time, Imran Khan intervened in the conversation and said, “The medical examination was done after three months; could the results have come?”

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