“Imran Khan’s Protest Call”

Imran Khan’s Protest Call

On September 25, 2024, during a media talk in Adiyala Jail, Imran Khan made a bold declaration that “Imran Khan’s Protest Call” is to break all ties with the establishment and launch a street movement against what he described as a corrupt and rigged system. He emphasized that there are no more options left for negotiations. Imran Khan expressed his disillusionment with the establishment’s repeated deceptions and called for a nationwide movement to challenge the status quo.

Deception by the Establishment

Imran Khan made it clear that he had initially trusted the establishment to act in the country’s best interest. He had tasked Chief Minister Ali Amin to negotiate on behalf of the nation. However, Imran Khan’s Protest Call marks the end of this trust. He claimed the establishment deceived them multiple times. Now, according to him, there would be no more talks—only action through a public movement.

 Drawing Parallels to History

In his speech, Khan compared the current regime to that of Yahya Khan’s rule. He pointed out that East Pakistan didn’t want separation but was forced into it through oppression. Similarly, the Protest Call highlights the current government’s actions, saying they are pushing people toward rebellion by denying their rights. He accused the establishment of clinging to power by suppressing voices, just as Yahya Khan did in the past.

Criticism of the Judiciary

Khan also expressed grave concerns about the judiciary, claiming that it has been compromised. According to him, the Chief Justice and Chief Election Commissioner are working in unison to cover up electoral fraud. Imran Khan’s Protest Call underscores the importance of standing up against what he sees as the systematic dismantling of the judiciary. He believes that fear of PTI’s rise is driving the destruction of democratic institutions, including the Supreme Court.

Targeting the “Gang of Three”

Imran Khan accused a group he referred to as the “Gang of Three” of manipulating the system for their personal benefit. Imran Khan’s protest call urges people to protest against the extensions granted to this group, as he claims that they have destroyed the economy and judicial integrity. Furthermore, he warned that the entire nation is at risk if, indeed, their power continues to grow unchecked.

 Suppression of PTI and Media

Khan emphasized how someone is deliberately silencing PTI. Imran Khan’s Protest Call stresses that authorities are not allowing rallies and are imprisoning workers, including women. He questioned the judiciary’s role in protecting fundamental rights, accusing the Chief Justice of aligning with the establishment.

A Call to Protest

In conclusion, Imran Khan urged his supporters to stand united. Imran Khan’s Protest Call is a clear message for mass mobilization. He encouraged everyone to join the protests, stating that the real power lies with the people. If denied permission for rallies, Khan warned of stronger protests to defend their right to assemble. He reaffirmed that this is a crucial moment for Pakistan’s democracy and its people.

Through this speech, Khan sparked a new wave of political resistance, urging his followers to challenge the system and fight for justice.

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